
Have your healthy habits fallen to the wayside?

Every once and while, we all need to check in with ourselves. How am I feeling? Am I always tired? Why am I so agitated by little things? Am I moving my body enough? When is the last time I ate a vegetable? Especially right now, we are all facing challenges and uncertainty, and without our usual methods of coping and releasing stress, our physical and mental health can suffer.

I know so many people are struggling to keep up with eating well and staying healthy. After two months of "staying at home", our lives feel seriously disrupted. We've lost the motivation we might have gotten from group fitness classes, our routines have flown out the window and days blend into one another (read, "why not have a drink at lunch?") not to mention the tedium of washing all those dirty dishes! With all the added stress, confusion and general concern going on right now, it is 100% understandable and normal if you're feeling overwhelmed. That is why I'm offering a week of education, support and guidance to help get you back on track. And the best part is, I'm offering it for free.

Here is what you'll receive to help you get back on track:

  • Daily emails covering a variety of holistic health topics, from mindful eating to gut health to balancing blood sugar. 

  • Simple and realistic daily action items, accumulating in 7 impactful healthy habits that can last you a lifetime.

  • One remote group video call.

  • One remote private health consultation with me.

  • A plant-based meal plan including easy to make recipes and shopping lists.

  • Accountability, support, and practical tools to make healthy shifts in your diet and lifestyle.

In exchange, here is what I'm asking from you:

  • Your enthusiasm and willingness to commit to giving it your all.

  • Fill out a brief online program evaluation upon completion.

  • A written online review and social media share.


Some of the topics we’ll be covering include:

  • Balancing your intake of carbohydrates, fat and protein

  • Stabilizing energy and managing blood sugar

  • Reducing inflammation, the underlying factor in most chronic illness

  • Adopting a more plant-based diet

  • Meal prep and time saving tips

  • Mindful eating

  • Gut health and optimizing digestion

  • Stress management and lifestyle tools

Food is Medicine

Every time we eat, we have the opportunity to provide ourselves the building blocks we need for a healthy body and mind. Food isn’t simply calories, it is information, that can literally affect our mood, our risk for disease, and the glow of our skin. It isn’t about deprivation, fad diets, or will power, but instead focusing on providing yourself nourishment.

Do you know what you should be doing, but just can’t seem to actually do it?