A one week healthy habits refresh, from the comfort of your own home


Here is what you'll receive:

  • Daily emails covering a variety of holistic health topics. Including, but not limited to balancing energy and blood sugar with macronutrients, reducing inflammation (the underlying factor in almost every chronic disease), mindful eating, stress management techniques, gut health, and time saving meal prep tips!

  • Simple and realistic daily action items, accumulating in 7 healthy habits that can last you a lifetime.

  • One remote group video call.

  • One remote private health consultation with me.

  • A plant-based meal plan including easy to make recipes, shopping lists and time-saving tips.

  • Accountability, support, and practical tools to make healthy shifts in your diet and lifestyle.

In exchange, here is what I'm asking from you:

  • Your enthusiasm and willingness to commit to giving it your all.

  • Fill out an online program evaluation upon completion.

  • A written online review and social media share.
